Department of Pathology and Oncology
Juntendo University School of Medicine
Laboratory scenery

Department of Pathology and Oncology

Prof. Akira Orimo's Office
Snap of some staff taken in July 2021

Snap of some staff taken in Oct. 2023

Snap of some staff taken in July 2022

Snap of some staff taken in Nov. 2024
Snap of year-end party (Dec. 2024)

Snap of hiking (Nagatoro) (Oct. 2024)

Face to face meeting Associte Professor Shirakihara, Assistant Professor Mezawa & Graduate Sutudent (Sep. 2024)

Face to face meeting Associte Professor Kobayashi, Assistant Professor Yamashita & Graduate Sutudent (Sep. 2024)

Face to face meeting Associte Professor Yasukawa & Graduate Sutudent (Sep. 2024)

M3 Basic Seminar (Student) Presentation (July. 2024)

The first potluck party (June. 2024)

Snap of year-end party (Dec. 2023)

Mr Abe Retirement photo shoot (March 2023)

Snap of hiking (Mt. Tako)(Sep. 2023)

Snap of some staff at entrance celebration (2021)

Snap of graduation celebration (March 2022)

Snap of entrance celebration (April 2022)

Snap of graduation celebration (March 2023)

Snap of entrance celebration (April 2023)

Snap of graduation celebration (March 2024)